Tenten在這要非常榮幸的與大家分享, 我們替國賓飯店集團旗下美式餐廳品牌 "1Bite2Go" 設計製作的官方網站榮獲了’Awwwards.com‘ 設計獎項好評.
先暫且不管網站的評分成績如何, 經由這次的經驗我們對於網站所呈現出的樣貌感到非常欣喜且滿意, 但在開心的同時也知道下一次有哪些地方可以經由Tenten被詮釋的更完整.
接下來我們還是有機會在 Awwwards 獲選為 ‘Site of the Day’ 然後將出版於年度別冊當中. 評分尚在進行中. 就這次的小成就必須要給大家一個鼓勵鼓勵~
We are so pleased to announce that the 1Bite2Go site we launched back in February 2014 has won an honorable mention on Awwwards and is now in the running for a “Site of the day” award.
No matter what our work is rated it is always a powerful tool to know it could be better. Sometimes you have to sit back and enjoy the little accomplishments, but also know there is room to improve.
We could still become a ‘Site of the Day’ and be published in the annual book depending on the scores of other sites, but even getting in the Awwwards Honorable Mention category is an honor.
You can view the 1Bite2Go voting results page here.
1Bite2Go Café & Deli Official Site
1Bite2Go Web Design | tenten Creative