Awesome UI component library

Curated list of framework component libraries for UI styles/toolkit/design systems

Design System - A comprehensive guide to design systems

This list doesn't include individual component libraries like button, select, forms, etc



  • AgnosticUI - Accessible React Component Primitives (that also work with Svelte, Vue 3, and Angular).

  • Atlaskit - Atlasssian’s official React UI kit is the technical implementation of the Atlassian Design Guidelines (ADG)

  • Canvas - HubSpot Canvas is the design system that HubSpot uses to build products.

  • Feelix - collection of front-end interface elements that can be reused across the MYOB browser-based products.

  • Uniform - Uniform is Hudl’s design system. It exists to unify Hudl’s products through design and code implementation.

  • [Paid]Essential JS 2 for React by Syncfusion - Over 60 high-performance, lightweight, modular, and responsive UI components for React.

  • [Paid]jQWidgets - React components based on jqwidgets.

  • [Paid]KendoReact - 90+ professional UI components built from the ground up for React - responsive, accessible and feature rich.

  • [Paid]Mobiscroll - React components for Mobile UI Controls.

  • [Paid]Wijmo React - React components for Wizmo Toolkit from grapeCity.

  • React tsParticles - React component for easily add fully customizable particles animations to websites and web applications

Special use case libraries

  • [Paid] ag-grid - Cross platform components for Grid/Tables



  • AgnosticUI - Accessible Vue 3 Component Primitives (that also work with Svelte, React, and Angular).

  • Vuecidity - component library inspired by Google Material Design and Bootstrap with set of 30+ UI components, 24-column responsive layout grid system.

  • [Paid]Essential JS 2 for Vue by Syncfusion - Over 60 high-performance, lightweight, modular, and responsive UI components for Vue.

  • Particles.vue - Vue library for easily add fully customizable particles animations to websites and web applications.

  • [Paid]Kendo UI for Vue - A suite of UI components focused on business applications, with components like the data grid

Special use case libraries

  • [Paid]jQWidgets - Vue components based on jqwidgets.

  • Awesome Vue - A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js

React Native

Special use case libraries

  • Native Directory - Native Directory is a curated list of React Native libraries to help you build your projects.

  • Awesome React Native - Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!


  • AgnosticUI - Accessible Angular Component Primitives (that also work with Svelte, React, and Vue 3).

  • [Paid]Essential JS 2 for Angular by Syncfusion - Over 60 high-performance, lightweight, modular, and responsive UI components for Angular.

  • NG Particles - Angular component for easily add fully customizable particles animations to websites and web applications

Special use case libraries


Special use case libraries


Web Components

A11y Components

  • a11y-contrast — A CLI utility to calculate/verify accessible magic numbers for a color palette.

  • a11y-dialog - A very lightweight and flexible accessible modal dialog script.

  • react-a11y-dialog - Port of a11y-dialog to React.

  • vue-a11y-dialog - Port of a11y-dialog to Vue.

  • svelte-a11y-dialog - Port of a11y-dialog to Svelte.

  • a11y-tabs - A lightweight (<1Kb) JavaScript package to facilitate a11y-compliant tabbed interfaces.

  • a11y-menu — This project aims to create a re-useable and accessible main navigation module.

  • Scott Ohara's a11y components — Listing of accessible components & patterns.

  • Deque Cauldron — A fullyaccessibleHTML, CSS, and Javascript front-end framework for creating web and mobile applications.

Some Community conversations



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Last updated