friDay APP

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App Development and Design

What we did

We started off by carrying out an audit by analyzing and carrying out user tests on their existing product and their user flows. After carrying out user tests and discussions regarding their existing mobile application, we were able to understand what could be improved and what was working well at the moment.

We worked by using design sprints, designing a section of the app, testing it on users and then iterating. By doing so our teams were able to work together quickly and effectively. After multiple rounds of user tests and designs we were able to finalize and start development on the final product.

New onboarding & cart

A huge flaw that we saw in the initial friDay mobile application was the log-in and registration section. Many people found the registration process confusing and eventually left the app without finishing the registration process. We drastically simplified the process and redesigned the profile screen of the app for people to manage their account easily.

We saw that checking out was an issue too. With 3 carts, users were confused as what kind of cart to checkout from. We tried to combine those 3 carts while also adhering to the logistical restrictions the company had.

Multiple stores

friDay shopping works with and sells products from multiple department stores. Thus our team brainstormed ways to switch department stores within the mobile app. We created a central button that allows the user to swipe across different department stores quickly and easily.

A new friDay shopping experience

By rethinking the whole friDay Shopping app as a whole, we were able to improve the shopping experience for users and friDay themselves.

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